Thursday, November 26, 2015

Gild $125 by 2016 end - growth health care in bear market

The interest rate will be increasing soon. Historically it means stock price will fall, in a longer run. One obvious reason is that there is no longer cheap money to borrow and buy stock. 

One stock Gilead, is growing fast in health care and stock, at 107 and 9.6x of earning, seems undervalued. It time to buy. 

Friday, November 20, 2015

VRX and enough money - NXI, ASHR

VRX had a good pop and I sold it.  A bit too early but satisfied with the earning. Did not buy and NXI, it is dropping slowly.  It is highly recommend by the, I should look into it. My paypal stock is not doing well, bought at 39 and it is floating around 36-37.  Will have to wait for a longer term.

ASHR is the one I am watching closely, if Chinese economy is slowing down, but still grow at 6%, the stock should have 10--12% up side per year, especially the Chinese Yuan will be considered as international currency soon and the Chinese stock will be also part of international stock market.  There is a clear upside.  I am just waiting for an event or a big drop to enter it.

Financially, things are fine.  There is enough money for kids' education and retirements.  So the question is what else should I spend money on?  Should I become very conservative in my investments since even I get another mil, my quality of life won't be different much.

So how much to get for basic, comfortable in come, I define it as twice the average.  My basic idea:

$24K is poverty limit, three times that is middle class, $72K, three time of that is affluent, $216K.  While I am glad I am lucky enough to surpass that, more is becoming less meaningful.  I am sure I will be as happy earning $120K as earning $400K.  So how to get $10K per month?  My conservative calculation of monthly income at 60.

$3,000 - $4500 from pension
$3,000 - $4500 from vacation rental
$5,000 - $6000 from other rental properties
$2,000 - $3000 from SS
$1,000 - $2000 from IRA dividend

$14K-$20K / month
That's about $160K-$240K per year.  It is enough.  What else do I need? lavish vacation? expensive cars? art collection?  Probably not.

Maybe personal assistant will help?

Monday, November 9, 2015

Invensense NXI VRX

Internet of things will be big - that lead to Fool recommend Invensens multiple times.  Currently at $12.

Valeant VRX is beaten down because of bad publicity, Ackman can't buy enough of it.

Should recommend both?  Probably.

Friday, January 16, 2015

The great secret of all human success - connection

There are many many theory of learning, what make it works, what make it enjoyable.
There are also many theories of happiness, such as in the book I am readying "The Happiness Hypothesis", some argue the happiness is from within, take things as they come, many believe the happiness is from without, getting things we want.

The enpiphy is, all these human enjoyment come from the same source - connecting with others.  

Learning with other students, even those one dislike, is far more effective and enjoyable than learning alone.  Almost everyone unhappy feel "disconnected" "lonely" "isoliated".

Being innovative has to be have rich, frequent and diverse connection with all type of people and ideas.  That is why a society celebrate diversity and loving each other will always out innovate the ones that enforce homogeneity and uniformity.

The good school connect students
and faculty, the great leaders connect all the follower to their mission and to each other.

How to building meanfully and long lasting connect become the secret formula of happiness, and all human achievement for that matter.
